Thursday, October 13, 2011

Whose That Girl and Why Are All Her Friends Boys?

...Yeah, that gets asked a lot.  There really isn't much to tell on that except that I get along much better with men than I do with women.  Wherever I've gone in life, its always led me to a core group of good guy friends that understand me, and in return, I understand them and don't bring about a great deal of drama-rama.  I by no means am a tom-boy or a snob to what kind of people I like to hang out with.  On the contrary.  I am extremely girlie and my favorite color is pink, I don't leave the house without a complete skincare routine applied to my face and at least two lip glosses in my massively large handbag.  My name is Kasey Kathleen McCarver.  Most call me Kase, so its very nice to meet you!

  This blog isn't to discuss my adventures in Boy-Land, however I will share quite a bit ;-), but more about how to be a girl "friend", and just that, to boys with no complications, no friend-with-benefits requirement and to prove that yes, it is VERY possible to be only friends with the opposite sex when everyone says it isn't.  I'm not saying its easy or that its fun 24/7.  Friendships take all kinds cultivating.  As a girl to a guy, its a bit different. (TV likes to make shows or movies that are definitely misleading if not completely off the mark.) I want to share my secrets, my experiences and my favorite pictures and memories with you!  I want to tell you how to be friends when he has a girlfriend, how to be the eyes when the beer goggles have kicked in, how to watch sports or manly shows and still enjoy time spent with the guys.  I have so much to share, good and bad, but I hope I can give you a new insight into the life of "That Girl".


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